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Isn't He Gorgeous !


Updated: May 25, 2019

We're extra chuffed with Little Mr - especially since we didn't think he was going to make it. This post might seem a bit full on, but we do think it's important to share exactly what goes in to looking after our sheep.

Twin lamb disease strikes in late pregnancy.

Basically the fast growing lambs take too much out of the ewe and she collapses.

Tragically, last year we lost a ewe and both of her unborn lambs.

So this year when Mrs went down in late February we were ready.

The usual treatment is a glucose energy drink and injections of calcium - but that hadn't worked last year.

This time we supplemented the drugs with what can best be summarised as 'fresh grass and physiotherapy'.

It wasn't terribly dignified to cart the now giant Mrs around in a wheelbarrow of all things but it was the best way to move her around the orchard, the only place we had any grass.

We also supported her on her feet to get her used to standing up again which she often rewarded with a stinking, seemingly minutes-long wee. Vital functions like that might not be pleasant but they are encouraging.

Then, one early evening about ten days in, I was amazed to see a tiny scrap of a lamb lying beside her. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, his twin did not survive.

But if there's one thing lambing teaches you it's to keep going because other animals may be depending on your help. In this case Little Mr was in urgent need of a towel dry and some colostrum.

For three days they lived happily together in the pen, him surviving on bottle feeds.

On day four I lifted her to her feet and she seemed stronger. I took my hands away and she stood, a bit wobbly, on her own !

The picture above is taken probably an hour later after Mrs clattered down the trailer ramp and set about the grass with a vengeance (which is why she's covered in wood shavings).

The absolute best moment however was a day later when she started feeding him. Amazing.

Little Mr has since gone from strength to strength and is now indistinguishable from the other lambs. Mrs has made a full recovery too.

His markings are not classic Gritstone but that white cross on his forehead is great. We might keep him.

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